Please lend us your vote

We need your help!

We’re not quite sure how or why but we are delighted to be one of four national finalists in the “Small Independent Retailer of the Year” award category in this year’s Speciality and Fine Food Fair Awards.

To be honest, we’re pretty gob smacked as we are the only category finalist in the whole of the South West and Wales.

And now we need your help, as the awards are open to a public vote.

This is an amazing opportunity for us to show the rest of the UK what amazing producers and community initiatives are here in the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley. So if you want to see the Forest of Dean name up in lights in London at the awards announcements on Tuesday 10th September please do cast a vote for us.

Voting closes on Monday 2nd September, and here’s a nifty link straight to the voting page 🙂

And most importantly thank you for supporting us all year round. We can’t quite believe we’re in our 7th trading year and we REALLY really couldn’t do it without you.

Debbie & Simon