Cornish Wild Garlic Yarg


A Cornish semi-hard cheese wrapped and matured in Wild Garlic leaves

In stock

Cut Cheese Size Guide

All of our cut cheeses are priced per 100g, so if you choose “1” in the quantity field you will receive a 100g piece of cheese,  “2” will be  “200g”, “3” will be “300g” etc.

We’ve added some quick select weight buttons to help you, once you press them, you’ll see the quantity field automatically change.  This is the quantity you will see in the checkout. 

So if for example, you’ve chosen a 300g piece of cheese, don’t worry if you see “3” in the cart – you won’t be getting 3 pieces of cheese, just the one at 300g.

We always hand-cut your cheese fresh for your order. Cut cheese weight may vary by +/- 10%  (we’re good but we are human!).

Wild Garlic Yarg from Lynher Dairies is a holder of a coveted Supergold at the World Cheese Awards, which means the judges considered it one of the top seventy cheeses in the world.
When you compare the tastes, it is hard to believe that both Cornish Yarg (nettled) and the Wild Garlic Yarg are made to an identical recipe until it comes to the painting on of the leaves. The striking difference in taste and texture is all down to nature. Six weeks after being wrapped around the bare truckle, the leaves have helped to create a slightly firmer texture than the crumbly nettled Yarg . By this time, they have darkened in colour and impart a gentle garlicky flavour.